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Welcome to Willetton Bridge Club.

Clubhouse pic

Canning locals can now enjoy some socialisation and a round or two of the most popular card game in the world

The Willetton Bridge Club officially opened on 23rd April 2018. The Club now has more than 75 members. In November 2018 the club moved from the Herald Avenue Senior Citizen�s Club to the Riverton Library then to Willetton Library and then to ROSTRATA FAMILY CENTRE. & from 23rd December 2019 we have Moved to RSL Building - 153 High Road-Willetton WA 6155

Our New address will be Unit 2A RSL Building-153 High Road - Willetton. WA 6155

With the support of the City of Canning Community Partnership Fund we are now equipped with bidding boxes and Bridgemates and other Bridge Equipment.

The Club is also appreciative of the enthusiastic support it has received from the City of Canning, The Herald Avenue Management Committee, Dr Mike Nahan, MLA-Member for Riverton and BAWA.(Bridge Association of WA)

Playing bridge is a great game for keeping the mind active at any age and helps improve memory and problem solving skills as well as providing a an important social outlet for participants.

We are conducting Regular Bridge Lessons Pease click on Lessons Page.

For any comments and suggestion Please contact our Web Master John Mitchell"

The Official Mail for Willetton Bridge Club should be addressed to : UNIT 2A RSL BUILDING- WILLETTON WA 6155

If you need to find a partner for a game at a regular or supervised session, please contact Noel Daniel" and provide details of when you want to play, your skill level and basic system preferred

On behalf of the members and the Management Committee We warmly welcome interstate, out of state and overseas visitors, and members of other Bridge Clubs in WA to come and enjoy a game at the club. Any enquiries can be made by phoning the club during session and other times on 0418910255

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(C) Altosoft and Willetton Bridge Club 2025
Site template developed by Peter Busch, Altosoft
and content managed by Willetton Bridge Club 
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